Material Procurement and Supply Chain

This is JTSL oldest department, our history and experience in this department stand, it earned the company the legitimacy and good business relationship with most world leading manufacturers as a result of consistency of quality services. Our Materials Procurement Department ensures specification accuracy materials procurement and services standard. They provide resources to immediately source, procure, expedite, inspect, package & preserve, transport, store and deliver all materials and equipment necessary to meet your Project requirements with optimized schedule and reduced cost.
All of our Supply is of high standard and good quality with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) traceability and standard or collaboration with reputable Suppliers that are OEMs Authorized Distributors (AD) and are recognized on an international basis as providers of products that meet your project requirements. Materials and equipment procured by JTSL are supplied complete with Supplier certifications and all necessary MTR’s and MTC’s as appropriate, in compliance with project specifications and procedures.
This aspect brings the basis of Engineering Services